Open Door Semi-Potluck Gathering
Friends Meeting House
4312 SE Stark,in Room 12
Sunday, Jan. 26 ~ 2:30–5:00 pm
This Community Gathering will open with 15 minutes to quietly arrive and settle in with an easy chant and a few minutes of simple sitting.
We will not be in the dining room and won’t have use of a kitchen. But we will have a hot plate keeping a rice-and-veggie dish warm. Simple veg-vegan potluck items to share would be most welcome (small quantities, please).
We’ll share warm food and conversation, a chance to to check-in about how we’re feeling in this moment, this time and place in life’s unpredictable dance—our own and our family’s or our community’s—the dance of our world.
We can use this time to honestly and thoughtfully speak to what’s up for us, and to listen quietly to each other with generous attention. (It’s not a time to challenge others or push political agendas.) We’ll also hear a bit about what Living Earth’s offerings might be this year and offer input and response.
The Meeting House is fully accessible and this carpeted room has comfortable chairs. As with our Open Door Dharma Circles, these gathering are open to all. Each person’s intention and participation are the most important contributions. Optional donations are welcome at the door or online but no one is keeping track. Questions? Please contact us.
Click here to learn more about Living Earth. The spirit of dana—generous reciprocity— keeps the wheel turning. Gifts online or at our events can be designated to support community gatherings, dharma practice, workshops and retreats, or other programs, including local service and global solidarity activities.
Living Earth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit social benefit organization, IRS # 93-1331068. Contributions are tax deductible per IRS rules.