First Friday, August 3, 7:00 pm
The Last Dalai Lama?
Friends Meeting House, 4312 SE Stark, Room 12, Portland
Doors open at 7:00 pm. Film at 7:15, followed a short meditation, then sweets and conversation until 9:00 or 9:15. By donation. All are welcome.
This recent film is an 80-minute montage of memories, stories, and teachings of the Dalai Lama as he enters his ninth decade and reflects on the end of his life. Created 25 years after filmmaker Mickey Lemle’s award-winning profile of His Holiness, Compassion in Exile, this new film has also received warm reviews and numerous awards.
Come a few minutes early to settle in with tea and sweet and savory nibbles. We’ll close with a short meditation.
Please note that the sound problems experienced last month have been resolved! Questions? Contact us.